Chapter 6 : Logs

Audio Log(1)

Tram Radio 2

S.C.A.F. Artifact(1)

S.C.A.F. Artifact 07


Thirty flights in as many days. The CMS FRANKLIN is taking a beating but you can't keep this old bird down. I can't say the same for the CROZIER. I think she spends more time in the garage than in the air.

No one's been getting much shuteye so I've been offering to let my crew zonk out for a few during the flight. Yesterday as I was taking the FRANKLIN through the cloud layer, my crew fast asleep. I caught a radio broadcast. It was the faintest static but I swear I heard someone calling my name. Strangest thing was, it sounded just like my wife. but she's dead for over two years.

パイロット記録:Wade Hoshi大佐

30日で30回ほど飛んだ。CMS FRANKLINは少々やられちまったが、こんな程度でこの老いぼれ鳥はへこたれやしない。CROZIERはそうでもない。あの機は飛んでるよりガレージの中にいる方が長いんじゃないだろうか。



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最終更新:2013年03月12日 17:42