[2] The real owner of Japan Two Loyal Tsunami Dogs, Mr. O described how he felt

Update: (Sat) March 16th 2013. 1:00 pm (Japan time):Posted by Mika Iwamuro
Visitors total: - today: - yesterday: -

(Mon) March 11th 2013, the white dog Lee-chan is still missing.

The real owner Mr. Okubo is still looking for his white dog (named Lee-chan) desperately.

[2] The real owner of Japan Two Loyal Tsunami Dogs, Mr. Okubo described how he felt [1]

June 30th 2012 Ms. Akiko Fujimura’s talk show, at Yokohama Japan.
Akiko is Nippon SPCA founder (Japanese animal protection group).
(Translation and filming, by Mika Iwamuro.)
I still don't work on subtitles on this move, but I finished just translation below.

[Ms. Akiko Fujimura]
Actually, after the earthquake, government has instructed the victims to leave their pets behind.
If they have instructed the people to take with their pets, then those pets would be saved and would not die during the earthquake.

And those instructions burdened the victims, many victims felt guilty leaving their pets behind, and they are very sad.

The disaster victims have had bitter experience by they were separated from their pets.
This time I felt that strongly.
Mr. Nakamoto.

[Ms. Kaori Hayakawa]
Mr. Nakamoto, why this book "Tongari Atama no Gonta (Angel Head Gonta)" was published, please explain it to everyone.

[Mr. Nakamoto]
Well.. Since after March 11th last year (2011), as everyone know it's very big disaster, so if I say this then I might be blamed by dog lovers, but I thought that human should take priority over the dogs.

[Ms. Kaori Hayakawa] Ah.

[Mr. Nakamoto]
so I had collected materials on human victims.
But exactly one year ago, June last year,
a volunteer told me that she want to find the owner of the dog, because the dog had Malignant lymphoma, he has not long to live.
So she'd like him to meet his owner again.

When I thought that his owner might look for him, and he has not long to live, so I reported it on women magazine.

[Ms. Kaori Hayakawa]
Do you have any impressive experience during that?

[Mr. Nakamoto]
I was really impressed that a great many people copied from my article and spread info on blog, twitter.

[Ms. Kaori Hayakawa] yeah

[Mr. Nakamoto]
One of them made a handwritten poster, and put it on several place.

[Ms. Kaori Hayakawa]
Recently, called SNS, twitter, facebook, etc. Internet is widely spread. So information travels fast.
But in the disaster area, the people suffered and there are many elderly, they are not always can get the information.

[Mr. Nakamoto]
yeah there are only a few people can touch the computer...

[Ms. Kaori Hayakawa]
Even if they want to touch the computer, they can't touch it because many of them have had no Internet Environment.
Meanwhile some of people thought up a handwritten poster.
Were there many handwritten poster in disaster area?

[Mr. Nakamoto] yes

[Ms. Kaori Hayakawa]
Mr. Okubo have you seen any poster in Miyagi-prefecture?

[Mr. Okubo]
I have seen many posters, and heard many voice of those people.

[Ms. Kaori Hayakawa]
Pets are really their family.
They were separated and are looking for their pets desperately.

[Mr. Nakamoto]
Yes, my article had connected with many people's good intentions and found the owner (of Gonta).

[Ms. Kaori Hayakawa]
Gonta met his owner again.

[Mr. Nakamoto]
Gonta's owner lost job, lost their house and land, so they hadn't been thinking of something positively.
But after they met Gonta again, his owner changed for the better and said "Gonta is god of wealth".

[Ms. Kaori Hayakawa]
This story is happy to find his owner.
After this story, I feel sorry ask it but Mr. Okubo, I wish to hear your opinion about this story.
Gonta met his owner again from several people's powers.
Mr. Okubo is looking for Lee-chan.

[Mr. Okubo] Yeah,

[Ms. Kaori Hayakawa]
What do you think after heard this story?

[Mr. Okubo]
I thought he is really happy dog.

[Ms. Kaori Hayakawa]
Uhhn.. Unfortunately, Gonta already is no more, Gonta only had one month to live, but he met his family again, and passed away.
But there is some possibility that Lee-chan is still alive.

[Mr. Okubo]
That unconfirmed, but Lee is still missing, this is certain.

[Ms. Kaori Hayakawa]
I think that some of the people who are here have dogs.
When I met Mr. Okubo, I really think that he feel painful.
If my dog dead front of mine, I can accept reality. But it's painful that his dog is still "missing".

[Mr. Okubo]
I can't feel reality, I am at a loss what to do. I don't know what to do. I want to make this clear, Lee is alive or dead.

[Ms. Kaori Hayakawa]
There are some of people who have watched the video here. I have watched it, too.
But Mr. Okubo still has not watched the video.

[Mr. Okubo]
…….It is …….hard for me……..

[Ms. Kaori Hayakawa]
Ahh...It pains him even to see Lee-chan was alive in the video.
Now this video is still on Youtube, after everyone heard this story, I would like to everyone to watch the video.
I already watched the video and Ms. Fujimura, too.
In the video, Mei-chan actually protected Lee-chan.
When the camera captured these two dogs, at first, Lee-chan had not moved, so a man said "if the dog dead?" in the video.
After that, Mei-chan run up to Lee-chan, and Mei-chan put her paw on Lee-chan, and she was considerate toward Lee-chan.
Mr. Okubo looked this image for the first time today, what did you think about this image?

[Mr. Okubo]
...(Mei is) really.....strong.....strong.....

[Ms. Kaori Hayakawa]
Yeah, Lee-chan was 8 years old at that time.

[Mr. Okubo] yeah

[Ms. Kaori Hayakawa]
And Mei-chan is younger than Lee-chan.

[Mr. Okubo] yeah

[Ms. Kaori Hayakawa]
Mei-chan and Lee-chan are different dog breeds. But I heard that they were very good friends.

[Mr. Okubo]
They were always playfully, when Mei jumped at Lee, Lee ducked out of the way of Mei.
[Ms. Kaori Hayakawa] In this video, Mei-chan protected injured Lee-chan.
Dog is...this type of video were in around the world, dogs are really thoughtful than human.

Mei-chan understand, doesn't she?

[Mr. Okubo]
My thought reach Mei, Mei's thought reach me. I really understand what Mei feel.

[Ms. Kaori Hayakawa]
yeah, this time, the book for disaster prevention of pets was published.
I think that not only human but also dogs are affected by trauma suffered when they had bitter experience.
Mr. Okubo, how was Mei-chan before earthquake and after earthquake?

[Mr. Okubo]
After Lee got lost, Mei hang out around there, she seemed look for Lee.

[Ms. Kaori Hayakawa]
She was unusually...aftermath earthquake? She also suffered from the big earthquake.

[Mr. Okubo]
When I went back and rescued Mei, Mei looked like a different dog, she snarled at me.
During a week, she seemed change quite another dog.

[Ms. Kaori Hayakawa]
Even now, Mr. Okubo is still looking for Lee-chan.
It is really regrettable that after camera crew filmed the dogs, we want them to rescued the dogs.
Ms. Fujimura has said it again and again.

[Ms. Akiko Fujimura]
Actually I have been in the broadcasting scene, sorry it seems like the signal is bad on a mike.
So I understand...

[Ms. Kaori Hayakawa]
Ms. Fujimura is working on a broadcast writer.

[Ms. Akiko Fujimura]
After they captured the dogs.... As for me, they are not just the dogs, they are someone's family, precise family.
So I wanted the camera crew to call someone at least, there were many Self-Defense Forces personnels and others in the area at that time.
So if they rescued the dogs...now Lee-chan and Mei-chan would be together.
It's regrettable.

[Ms. Kaori Hayakawa]
I think that Mr. Okubo is most feels regrettable.
Do you have a word to say about this case.

[Mr. Okubo]
obviously, everyone can understand that they have their owner who are really concerned about them, so hereafter if the camera crew find any pets, I want them to rescued pets somehow or other.

[Ms. Kaori Hayakawa]
They have the same lives.
If there is a person or pets in need...
More details of Mr. Okubo and his Mei-chan and Lee-chan are in Ms. Fujimura's book.
I would like many people to read/know such a fact does exist, and Mr. Okubo is still looking for Lee-chan.
Everyone will not forget this.

[Ms. Akiko Fujimura]
yeah...and.....Japan is a country of frequent earthquakes, we can't predict when/where earthquake come.
It's possible that a tsunami come here Yokohama in the future.
So we should learn step by step from past experience, before disaster occur again.

How to refuge with our pets, how to develop knowledge of disaster prevention of pets..I think that these are great important task, what we should do.

[Ms. Kaori Hayakawa]
fact... for or against are not the point, there are nuclear power plants in Japan,

so when the earthquake occured, such a fact did exist, we could know these facts, what we should do after this?
In my opinion, it's very important that everyone thinking about it.

[Ms. Akiko Fujimura]
I agree, a country of frequent earthquakes, so of course it's really important that we take refuge with human family....but at the same time, pets...I would like many people to think about what we should do with pets.

[Ms. Kaori Hayakawa]
yeah, of course I would like adults to read this fact in the book.
And when children read this book, they would think about various things. It will connect with education for moral sense, warm heart.

[Ms. Akiko Fujimura]
yeah, May last year I went to San Francisco, and visited an animal shelter, several people choose a dog of many.
I asked a boy "Why do you adopt a dog from this shelter?",
a boy said "a life is saved from this type of shelter, than breeder." he is about 8 years old!
I was very impressed with his words.

I think that such a education for moral sense is really important.

When this boy grow up, I think he will be tender person who treats any lives thoughtful.

Animals tell us about a life is precious.

[Ms. Kaori Hayakawa]
yeah, I think there are too many people who have experienced a very painful emotion, but we can learn many things from them.

[Ms. Akiko Fujimura] yeah, and when the big earthquake came, Mr. Okubo borrowed a car from the school and went back to rescue Lee-chan and Mei-chan, his quick wit, I really think Mr. Okubo is wonderful.

[Ms. Kaori Hayakawa]
Mr. Okubo has been very concerned about his family Lee-chan, I really hope Lee-chan will be found.
Everyone let's hope Lee-chan will be found!
And I would like everyone to share this fact to many people, what we can do.

And the Act on Welfare of Animals (in Japan) will be revised soon, this act is revised once every 5 years.
Is there anything we can do?

[Ms. Akiko Fujimura]
There are many, but at first,
I would like everyone to know that "the Act on Welfare of Animals" has been existing in Japan.
And if everyone have any pets, I would like everyone to treat your pets kindly for their whole life.
Everyone, do you think how much money are spent to kill animals per year (in Japan)?

[Ms. Kaori Hayakawa]
Is there anyone who know about it?
It's spent for kill, that is to say, our taxs.
How much money are spent for it? Could you tell us?

[Ms. Akiko Fujimura]
Over 210,000 dogs/cats have been killed in Japan every year, and our taxs are spent to it 5.7 billion yen (about US$60,000,000) per year.

[Ms. Kaori Hayakawa]
5.7 billion yen ?!
Besides selfish reasons, moving, lose interest, and some of people go to a trip.
I surprised.
Our taxs have been spent to such a selfish reason, 5.7 billion yen.

[Ms. Akiko Fujimura]
Before I published another book titled "Pet Superpower, Japan's Responsibility" and wrote about details animal kill shelter etc. in that book.

I had investigated into it at Ibaraki-prefecture, and I got results that 4 cats/dogs were thrown away per a person.
That is to say, same people have been thrown away their dogs/cats everytime.

[Ms. Kaori Hayakawa]
That's incredible! I think simply that why doesn't Japanese government spent 5.7 billion yen to save the animals, Why such a thing has happened?

[Ms. Akiko Fujimura]
I really wonder why about it.
A most famous animal shelter named Tierheim in Germany, most big no-kill shelter in the world, their running costs is 8 hundred million yen per year.

[Ms. Kaori Hayakawa]
Japan is strange country.

[Ms. Akiko Fujimura]
If all unsold pets from the shops are not killed, and all Japanese will keep their pets for their whole life, then we don't have to pay those huge money, and we can spend to save animals.
So I would like everyone to know such things. There are such things, so the Act on Welfare of Animals is revised in this year. Please know these things.

[Ms. Kaori Hayakawa]
I think this is not just an affair of other people, for not only the people have the pets but also who don't have any pets. We aren't different.
I have thought what I can do, everyone can tell the truth to as many people as possible.

Many lives are deleted right now, I would like everyone to tell to as many people as people about many lives are deleted.
And if you can, when you have next pet, please adopt rescued dog.
It's a way of what we can do.

17:34 [Ms. Akiko Fujimura]
yeah, we have held adoption event in front of the Aoyama United Nations University (in Tokyo) every month.
Many people were worried about abandoned pets may bite people, but they are very gentle dogs, and there are pureblood dogs, so people surprised.

And the people who adopted rescued dogs say "Thanks for coming our house".
And at first they closed their mind, but gradually opens their heart and became family.

[Ms. Kaori Hayakawa]
When one by one have never give up and have tried to the efforts, finally it moved a politician, law, and departments and shops will have to do.
Our power will move everything.

[Ms. Akiko Fujimura]
Recently internet is widely diffused, so one by one become a originator.
So I would like one by one to tell the facts.

[Ms. Kaori Hayakawa]
Today, thanks to two writers came here, and Mr. Okubo is still looking for Lee-chan.
Finally, could you please your message? Mr. Okubo.
Anything is ok.

[Mr. Okubo]
this time...I feel happy Mei is safe and, I regret Lee is still missing.
Thanks Ms. Fujimura wrote this book, and I hope many people know this...

[Ms. Kaori Hayakawa]
yeah... Everyone please hope Lee-chan will be found, and I will be cheering for all of you forever.
I heard that the recovery is still not enough in the disaster area, but I wish you the best.
Thank you so much.

[Ms. Akiko Fujimura]
I would like to say my thanks to Ms. Hayakawa (Ms. Kaori).
She has worked hard and tried her best.
Everyone, please give her a big round of applause.

Thank you so much Mr. Okubo, he came here from far away. I think he has a lot of grit.

I'm in media, there are some part of media can't/don't report, so I wrote those things in my book.
I have brought my manuscript into several publishing companies, but they said "We can't publish such a thing!" but, thank you so much the Nagasaki Shuppan (a publisher)!

the Nagasaki Shuppan undertake all part of hard to say/do!
Thanks to everyone I was able to publish this book!
I would like everyone to buy/read this book, and I hope this book send something into everyone's hearts.
Today thank you so much!


Details and Timeline:

(Fri) March 11th, 2011
Mr. Hisato Okubo is a very courageous and tender and loyal person.
On March 11th, 2011, when the tsunami came, the moment Mr. Hisato Okubo heard the tsunami warning, he returned his home, and he took his two dogs (Mei-chan and Lee-chan) and took refuge to the fives floor in Elementary School.
Soon after that, his house was washed away by the tsunami.

If Mr. Okubo did not return his home, maybe Mei-chan is no more...
Mei-chan (brown tan dog) was rescued by Mr. Okubo who is her real owner, on March 18th 2011.

(Sat)March 12, 2011
Mr. Okubo joined the volunteer of fire department.
A man told him "There is some dog foods for a week-10 days in Elementary School.",
so he left two dogs in Elementary School, and he went to the work of the Volunteer fire department to help other people.
Until March 12, 2011, two dogs were chained in Elementary School, but it seems that someone lost the chaine...

(Sun) March 13th, 2011
and in the evening on (Sun) March 13th, 2011, two dogs were filmed by Japanese Fuji Television crew.

(Mon) March 14, 2011, about 7 am (Japan time)
The photo of Lee-chan was taken by Takuya Imai who is a cameraman of Japan Nikkei news paper, at near by Madoka-Ann, on March 14th, 2011. about 7 am
Madoka-Ann was the place where the dogs filmed by Fuji TV
津波で倒壊した家に残る犬(14日午前、仙台市若林区)=写真 今井拓也
A dog stay with a house which was collapsed by tsunami (March 14th, 2011. Morning, Arahama) = The picture by Takuya Imai

When these dogs filmed by Fuji TV on March 13th 2011, 4-5 pm, white dog (Lee-chan) laid herself down on the ground, but next morning Lee-chan stood up by herself in Nikkei photo.
Their real owner Mr. Okubo and his family said “This dog of the photo is Lee!”

I think that Lee-chan returned to her home near the sea after filmed, but her home was washed away by the tsunami, so when she was hanging around her home, and.. I hope someone has saved Lee-chan, Lee-chan is gentle & friendly, so there is possibility that Lee-chan was saved by someone.

(Mon) March 14th 2011, about 9:40 pm (Japan time)
The two stay together tsunami dogs were aired on Japanese Fuji TV.

(Thu) March 17th, 2011. about5:30 pm (Japan time)
Japanese Fuji Television reported false rescue story "both dogs were rescued by an animal protection group".

(Fri) March 18th, 2011.
CNN reported false rescue story "both dogs were rescued by bikers".
The rescue reports on CNN/FujiTV/more are based on the rumor on Facebook page and were not checked out.

On March 18, 2011, Mr. Okubo found Mei-chan in Arahama elementary school in Sendai-city Japan.
But Lee-chan was not there.
Thereafter, Mr. Okubo and his family have been looking for Lee-chan desperately.

At that time, Mr. Okubo and his family were still not knowing that their dogs were aired on the TV around the world, because their home was washed away by the tsunami, and they lost TV and internetwork environment, many other victims, too.
So they have been looking for Lee-chan intently, since March 18th 2011.

About late of July, 2011.
Fuji TV reporter Mr. Yamashina visited Okubo's house. Mr. Yamashina saw Mei-chan and made sure that Mei-chan is the same dog aired on Fuji TV.
Mr. Yamashina told Mr. Okubo "There is a rumor that a dog was rescued by a man who live in Chiba prefecture."
Mr. Okubo and his family said "If that man has Lee, we want him to return Lee to us."
But as everyone know, that man has not rescued the two dogs.

September 8th, 2011, I could contact with Mr. Okubo for the first time, thanks to everyone's efforts, thank you 2 channel users, thank you Global Animal and GA readers! Thank you Mr. Harigaya!

If it were not for GA reports and GA reader's comments, and 2 channel user's posts, and Mr. Harigaya's advice, I could not contact Mr. Okubo.
GA reports and GA readers comments encouraged me very much many time.

NipponSPCA in Disaster area
Akiko Fujimura who is the Nippon SPCA founder, met the dog owner Mr. Okubo on September 14th 2011 for the first time, when she actually saw brown tan dog named Mei.

March - April 2012,
Mei eat food, this movie was taken by Mika, on Aplil 1st 2012.
I phoned the owner of two tsunami dogs Mr. Okubo on September 8th 2011, for the first time.
And I met the owner in March - April 2012, for the first time.
When I actually saw brown tan dog named Mei-chan. Mei-chan is very cute & very fine.

(Sat) June 30th, 2012
I went Akiko Fujimura's talk event on, at Yokohama Kanagawa Japan.
Ms. Akiko Fujimura (left), Mika Iwamuro (middle), Mr. Okubo (right)
Ms. Akiko is so cute, but my face was oily and shining , right man is Mr. Okubo who is the owner of Lee-chan

Akiko's blog. (All in Japanese)
震災ペットを救う!トークイベント3カ所全て満員御礼☆ 2012/07/01 12:36

■Several Major Medias reported a false rescue story "both dogs were rescued" around the world

update February 7th, 2013. (Japan time)

Two years ago, after the Japan Big Earthquake & Tsunami, in March 2011, Fuji TV(Japan), CNN, NPR, TYT, CBS(America), UK telegraph, ITN(England), Apple Daily(Hong Kong), Russian TV, more,

Several major media reported false rescue story “Two loyal tsunami dogs were rescued by an animal rescue. Happy ending!” .

But in fact, white dog (female setter) is still missing since (Mon) March 14th 2011. Major media still have NOT corrected their wrong reports.

There were NO film/picture of after dogs were rescued, on major medias rescue report.
There were only stray dogs, on their rescue report.
The rescue reports on CNN/FujiTV/more are based on the rumor on Facebook page and were not checked out.

And March 11th 2013, even now, Fuji TV has never corrected their wrong report "both dogs were rescued".

Many Japanese (including me and Mr. Okubo) have asked Fuji TV to correct their wrong report many time, again and again.
If Fuji TV reported the truth, Lee-chan would be found.
But Fuji TV always says “The person in charge is currently not present” and ignore our voice.

Maybe, if Fuji TV reports the truth (Lee-chan is still missing), then Fuji TV lose their popularity and Fuji lose the benefit. So Japanese media has not report the truth.

Till now, I also sent some message to CNN, NPR, UK telegraph, ABC, but I have no reply.
And I asked some Japanese media to report the truth, but they said 'We cannot air that story because that story is sad, and we may cannot get audience measurement. If white dog will be found, may we air that story'." “We don’t have the authority to correct the Fuji TV false report.”

March 10th 2013, even now, his White Setter has been missing since March 14 2011.

Even now, Mr. Okubo is still looking for this white dog desperately for two years.
Brown tan dog named Mei-chan was rescued by their real owner Mr. Okubo on March 18th 2011, and brown tan dog has been together with Mr. Okubo.
It was wrong report that both two dogs were rescued by bikers.

We already asked Kahoku news paper (Japanese Tohoku region local news paper) to report an article of missing Lee-chan, this article will be reported on March 11th (tomoeeow) on Kahoku news paper morning edition.

This morning edition is delivered to 44 thousand houses in 6 prefectures of Tohoku region (mainly Miyagi-prefecture) every day.
(Arahama Sendai-city is in Miyagi-prefecture Japan)
But it is not a free service.
I and some Japanese spent our money to it, we expect that effect.

But if Lee-chan was adopted to far away from Miyagi-prefecture in Japan, when it is hard for us to find Lee-chan, so I asked many Japanese to share & spread to help find missing Lee-chan, all over Japan.
And I want to request many overseas people to share & spread the truth of missing Lee-chan on internet & Email.

I hope the truth will win the false rescue rumors and false major media.

We want as many people as possible to know that Lee-chan is still missing and their real owner Mr. Okubo is still looking for Lee-chan desperately.
I can no longer be expected major media report the truth.

So please your help. Please share & spread this fact on Facebook, Twitter, blog, other SNS, and Email.

I think that if many people spread the truth on Internet & Email all over the world, then many people know the truth, and Lee-chan will surely be found!

Even now, many people believe that Lee-chan (white dog) was already rescued.
So even now, fake rescue rumors are hindering us from searching for the missing white dog (Lee-chan).

In fact, Mei-chan (brown tan dog) was rescued by her real owner Mr. Okubo, I think this is Real Brave Story.

A man said "Major media make money by publishing stories people want to know. It is not about the truth. Two dogs were rescued was a good story, even if it's a lie."
Everyone! Do you want FAKE good story?
I say “NO”.

There are several possible. I want to try all means possible to find Lee-chan.

I thought there is possibility that Lee-chan is dead.
But at the same time there is possibility that Lee –chan is alive!
Maybe Lee chan was rescued by foreign people, and carried somewhere.
Maybe Lee chan was rescued neighbor and she is alive, and neighbor does not have Internet, so neighbor does not know that the owner is looking for Lee chan.

There are many possible.
I want to try all means possible to find Lee-chan.

Do you know someone who had been in Sendai around March to April 2011?
Actually, PETA Asia, Kinship Circle, HIS, and more foreign animal rescuers and foreign cameraman and foreign human rescues had been in Sendai Japan just after the earthquake in March 2011.

So it's some possible that Lee-chan was rescued by overseas people.

But I don’t know other foreign animal rescue team and other people.
If you know, please tell them this information, and tell me (Mika Iamuro email: twodogs_tottorimiyagi_mii3328@yahoo.co.jp).

I have asked AFN, Heart Tokushima, PETA Asia, HSI, kinship circle, ASPCA, and Yoshiko Wada.

AFN, Heart Tokushima, PETA Asia, HSI, Yoshiko said that they have not had the information of dog who like Lee-chan.

Kinship Circle, ASPCA, Ashley Fruno, have not replied me.

I was able to contact dog's owner on September 8th 2011, for the first time.
I didn't know about white dog has been missing, until I heard it from dog's owner.
I have been looking for Lee (white dog) since September 2011.

During that time, some people have told me "There are not only these two famous dogs, there are many other animals who need rescue."
I knew.
Everyone knew that.
Needless to say, there are a lot of animals need rescue around the world.

If there are many other animals need rescue, then should we abandon two dogs? You don't care if two dogs dies?

Why don't you think try to help both animals(2 dogs and many other animals)?

Many people are saying "Don't forget Fukushima animals! I want to help many animals."

What is the difference between Lee-chan (white setter) and Fukushima animals?
I think that there is NO difference Lee-chan and Fukushima animals.
Both animals should be rescued.

I don't want you to forget about Lee-chan (one of two loyal tsunami dogs who filmed by Fuji TV.).
(Mon) March 11th 2013, Lee-chan is still missing, even now, her owner is still looking for Lee-chan desperately since March 2011.
Lee-chan is her owner's treasure, family.

Lee-chan already helped many victim animals, Lee-chan and Mei-chan attracted the people's attention to many victim animals, all over the world.

Let's repay their loyal.

Please help us find Lee-chan.
Let’s reunite Lee-chan with her real owner Mr. Okubo and Mei-chan !

Their real owner Mr. Okubo and his family said "If a person who saved Lee hope that he/she keep Lee, it wouldn't be a problem. I would like to thank you so much for saving Lee."
"I want to make clear dead or alive."
"I still will not give up about Lee."
"I want to meet Lee again."

I really hope Lee-chan will be found this year and reunite her owner & Mei-chan.

March 11th 2013, the white dog is still missing.

The White Setter named Lee has been missing since March 14 2011.
Even now, their real owner Mr. Okubo has been looking for Lee desperately.

Feature of the missing dog
Name: Lee (Lee-chan, ‘chan’ is Japanese honorific.)
English setter
Large dog
Totally white on her body
Her ears are right brown
She has gray spotted around her nose
Then she had silver chains around her neck
Then 8 years old (Now 10 years old)
Then not spay
Then not microchipped
Gentle & Friendly

When Last Seen
Monday March 14th 2011 about 7 am,
a photo of Lee-chan was taken by Takuya Imai who is a cameraman of Nikkei newspaper, near the place dogs filmed by Fuji TV.
And March 13th 2011 about 4-5 pm, Lee-chan was filmed by Fuji TV crew.

Where Last Seen
Nearby 円庵(まどか庵 Madoka-Ann which was light meal shop.), near the Sendai Municipal Arahama Elementary School, in Arahama, Wakabayashi-ku, Sendai-shi, Miyagi-ken, Japan.
Nearby Miyagi Prefectural Road137, Arahama-Haranomachi Line in Japan.

More details (Please click & read):
Thank you so much for many help.
We need your help and eyewitness in Sendai.

If anyone had info on the missing Lee-chan (white female setter), whoever please tell me (Mika Iwamuro) via facebook or Email

And if you have any questions on this page, please feel free to contact admin (Mika Iwamuro) at any time.

2dogs BBS
Please feel free to post your message.

Editor';s name: Mika Iwamuro (Handle: tottorimiyagi, mii, 2dogs)

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最終更新:2013年03月16日 13:10